Saturday, March 10, 2018


So that's it. Zombies again. It's always zombies. Easy for history to blame it all on the undead. Who're they gonna sue? Living lawyers won't work for brains yet, thank god for that, or better thank chemistry. And what is it this time? alien parasitic spores once more? mass puffer fish venom poisoning? supernatural infectious suggestion? more brain worms? evil scientist slave army? bossy fungus’s? new apocalyptic bio war staggerers? Where does it end? I should'a guessed months ago any booze research would lead to zombies. Is there such a thing as a normal zombie apocalypse? That's what they told me as they left in their vertizontal ...”they're just normal, typical zombies. Slow. Dull-witted. Kill them before they get within arms length and you should be OK ...” I've heard that before. Great advice from a guy leaving by air.