Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Time for more time...

what is time?

Time is the universes way of telling you that you have too much space
Time is the third symetry
Time is the momentum of reality
Time is falling down a gravity hole
Time is often up
Time is what happen then
Time is the future
Time is the barrier
Time is the ultimate mother fucker
Time is what makes the past
Time is the measure of space
“Time is a storm in which we are all lost”
Time is a coming
Time is the place to put space
Time are is then now
“I'm time Brian!”
Time is the enemy of marriage
Time is the arrainger of everytime

and more types of time:

catastrophic time; the time; mom time; invarriance over time; play time; block time; mutation time; day time; time slice; across time; impact time; time Locke; in the nick of time; time to go to work; the rub of time; see through time; light time; arraigned time; emotional warp time; perceived time; Time Magazine; father time; pentimento time; almost time; controlled time; it's time; the trust of time; superfluous time; machine time; dog smell space time; I don't have the time; teeny tiny time; bed time; only time; gap in time; time in purgatory; make time; wasted time; tracking time; time for a new year