Wednesday, April 6, 2016

In the answer:
Complicated relationships

I couldn't help but notice she had a new hairstyle. Fun. It was in effect a huge curl of hair rising from the back of her gorgeous head, arching through the space above her perfect forehead ending like a giant sculpted fish hook about two hand spans in front of her cute nose. The rest of her was the bait. The gently curved tip jabbed at my eyes as I leaned in to examine the bait more closely.
“Have you noticed anything different about me today?” Dangerous trick question time. She's grinning devilishly.
“Umm...” Fun. I'll have some fun with her. “” I resist looking directly. “You smell better.” I am Poked in the forehead by the hair hook as she tries to force her face into my view field.
“Look at me Paul! Haven't you noticed?” Her hairdo hooks the back of my head.
“Your eyes! Your eyes are a different color! You got some new color lens's! Great! Blue eyes kinda goes with blonde.” She's raising her brows and bouncing her eyes upwardly and back at me like she wants me to look up. “Blue eyes now huh. Looking good!”
Here she punches me solidly on the arm. A good wallop. I'm staggered. The hook has released me.
“Paul you ass. My hair! What do you think of my new hair?” She throws me some vogue moves. “And my eyes have always been blue! BLUE!” I get another systema trained punch to my arm bone.

As I pick myself up off of the floor: “Doesn't your hair always look like a gigantic fish hook?”

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